
"Wy is not gone full three miles from hence, but he intercepteth by the way the river Lug, who, running downe amaine out of Radnor hils, with a still course passeth through the mids of this country, from the North-west to the South-east. At the first entrance it seeth afarre off Brampton Brian Castle, which a famous family named heereof de Brampton, wherein the forname was usually Brian, held by continuall succession unto the time of King Edward the First, but now by the familie heires it is come to Richard Harley. Neerer at hand it beholdeth Wigmore, in the English Saxons tongue Wynginga-mere, repaired in elder times by King Edward the Elder, afterward fortified by William Earle of Hereford with a Castle, in the wast of a ground (for so read wee in Domesday booke) which was called Marestun, in the tenure of Radulph de Mortimer, from whom those Mortimers that were afterwards Earles of March lineally descended, of whom you may read more in Radnorshire. Three miles off there is another neighbour castle called Richards Castle, the possession first of the Sayes, then of the Mortimers, and afterwards of the Talbots by hereditary succession. At length by the heires of Sir John Talbot the inheritance was divided betweene Sir Guaran Archdeacon and Sir Matthew Gurnay. Beneath this castle, Nature, who no where disporteth her selfe more in shewing wonders then in waters, hath brought fourth a pretie well, which is alwaies full of little fish bones or, as some thinke, of small frog-bones, although they bee from time to time drawne quite out of it, whence it is commonely called Bonewell."

From William Camden, Britannia (1607).