The Welsh Boneywell (albeit probably not the right one) is just below Richard's Castle ruins. If you park in the village (parking limited) and walk up towards the castle, you should hit the Hereford Way footpath. Follow this through the fields below the church, and onto a track that heads down (right) through some woods. Eventually you'll come out into a clearing/valley. Almost immediately you find the path blocked by a stream, with a small bridge over it. This is the Boneywell stream; while you'll be lucky to find bird bones in it (we found a dead bird, but that had fallen from the sky, not out of the water!), you might see fragments of fossil shell if you're lucky. Unfortunately the well itself is fenced off, but looking upstream from the footpath you can get a general impression of the site (there is a photo of the spring in the article mention on the Science page). In the past (see Science), the stream would have been much larger, but the water is being extracted. While you're there, head back up the path to the castle ruins, which are well worth the visit.