
Kynan (Conan - yes, really... In Old Welsh probably Kenan [see Bromwich* p.548]) appears as a warrior who will return to save Britain from the Saxons in the poem Armes Prydein (c.930 CE: see Other Works), and is probably the Conan Meiriadog of the "History of the Kings of Britain" (see Other Works). In the Welsh Tale "the Dream of Maxen" (which is probably not based on "the History of the Kings of Britain"*) Kynan follows his brother-in-law Maxen, who is proclaimed Roman Emperor, to Europe and is instrumental in the taking of Rome. Kynan then settles in Brittany, setting it up as a part of a British nation. It is likely the story reflects the proclamation of the Emperor Maximus in 383 CE in Britain, and his removal of British troops to the continent*, possibly combined with a separate expedition to Brittany (Pearce* gives this argument in detail, and suggests this frees up Kynan to have been alive at the same time as later expeditions to Brittany c.500 CE). Details of the additional story of Kynan's attempted marriage to St. Ursula can be found here.

The Dream adds a father, Eudav, between Kynan and Karadavc. Cynan also appears as the son of Eudaf Hen (Eudav the old) in a dynastic genealogy (Jesus College MS 20: see Other Works). Though it isn't clear whether this is the "Eudaf" mentioned later in our genealogy it seems likely there's been a confusion.