The term used is anoeth which Bromwich and Evans translate as "wonder, marvel, (thing) difficult to find." (plural, an(n)oetheu).* It is used, at least in the Bromwich and Evans text, almost exclusively by Arthur to refer to the list of items / people.
Bromwich and Evans note [page xvii] the use of the same term in Anoeth byd brawt bwyn kynnull in Canu Llywarch Hen (Williams: v, 28); Anoeth bit bed y Arthur in Llyfr Du Caerfyrddin (Jarman: 18, 135: see Other Works); and the comparative terms anoethach in Prydydd y Moch [the works of Llywarch ap Llywelyn (c.1173-1220 C.E.) the "Poet of the Pigs"]; Anoethach powys ae thir amddyfrwys in Llawysgrif Hendregadredd (Morris-Jones and Parry-Williams: 279,11 : see Other Works) and ardwyat,asswynaw (cf. Llyfr Du Caerfyrddin Jarman: 123, G45).