
It's probably worth highlighting why such myths are important, lest it should be assumed this site is aimed at promulgating some kind of ein volk, ein reich exclusionary view of British history. The mythology and history connected to here has suffered to the point that the era it comes from is regarded as a "Dark Age", devoid of culture and use. This need not be purposeful: what documents there are are difficult, and the influence of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae (see Other Works), which professed to give easy access to them, was not helpful. Despite Geoffrey's raising of "King" Arthur to the status of national hero, we little appreciate this period. Who ever studied the Gododdin in school history, or the beautiful poetry of Llywarch Hen in literature classes? And yet these texts have a good deal to teach us about ourselves and Britain. While there is plenty to reflect on in this literature (for example, while it may well be taken on by Welsh nationalists, it does little good for Scottish ones) for those with a British ancestry it chiefly reveals a substantial area of national history we've been invited to forget. For those more generally living in Britain it invokes a set of myths that reconnect us with our landscape and the way it was treated in pre-history, while for those not in either of these categories it simply provides an additional mythology to engage with. Myths need not be tied to a particular people to the exclusion of others, as would have been attested any British adherent to Mithrasism in the 3rd Century, or 19th Century schoolboy forced to read Virgil, or, indeed, anyone worshiping the desert god in a English country church.