The following are some of the transcriptions and translations that it is still reasonably easy to get hold of.

Name / location Date Comments Latin / Trans
Dumville* 1985 Uses the Vatican manuscript, O, 8048, and 11702. Latin
Morris* 1980 ~MS.H. Original text from Faral*, with corrections from Mommsen and Morris according to White*. Words also added to the Wonders (italics) from the contents table prefixed to L *. Latin and English
Mommsen* 1894-98 Includes wonders. A "conflation of different versions without regard to the complex history of development" according to Matthews*. Compilation of 11 MSS, with additions from 11 others*. Mommsen relied on the erroneous Huelsen for the Vatican *. He also printed a latin translation of the Irish manuscripts, called Nennius Interpretatus*. Latin
Matthews 2000 Includes wonders. Archetypal-version based on Mommsen's conflation. Latin
Giles/Gunn* * * 1891 No wonders. Largely the translation by Gunn, with some corrections and a curt introduction by Giles. Gunns introduction should be a classic. English
Todd* / Färber and Irwin 2002 Lebor Bretnach/Leabhar Breathnach annso sis, possibly written by Irish historian Gilla Coemáin (alive 1071-2). Irish English
Faral* 1929 Harley 3859(A) and Chartres. Latin?